
  Research Staff  
NCEL has several Postdoctoral Fellow openings available. The candidate should have
  • A long-term career goal in academia;
  • A strong research interest in one of the following areas: computer networking, network economics, distributed AI, and low-carbon energy systems;
  • A recent PhD degree in communications, networking, energy systems, math, or economics;
  • Strong publication record in top internatinoal venues; 
  • Proficiency in written and oral English.

An interested candidate should email the CV (including contact information of three references), research statement (how the candidate's research fits into and possibly expands NCEL's research strengths), and the pdf files of three representative first-author papers to Professor Jianwei Huang (jianweihuang [at] 



  PhD Students  

NCEL admits several PhD students every year. An applicant with a Master degree needs to have publications in leading IEEE/ACM conferences/journals. An applicant with a Bachelor degree needs to have a top GPA (top 5%) from a top university, with evidences of strong research potential and leadership capability.  

An interested candidate should send the CV (including GPA, ranking, and grades of math related courses), transcript, and a brief summary of research interests to Prof. Jianwei Huang (jianweihuang [at] 



  About NCEL  

The Network Communications and Economics Lab at the Chinese University Hong Kong, Shenzhen has a world leading reputation in the interdisciplinary research area of network economics. The current research focuses include  crowd intelligence, distributed AI, and low-carbon distributed energy systems. 

Since 2009, NCEL members received 9 Best Paper Awards from leading international journal and conferences, including the 2011 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications. NCEL has close collaborations with more than 40 top universities and companies worldwide, such as Princeton University, UC Berkeley, Northwestern University, University of Michigan, AT&T, and Bell Labs. Recent NCEL alumni became faculty members in Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China.